Based in the Midwest, Saniflex Solutions has been formed to answer the call for sanitization products across America.

What We Do
SaniFlex Solutions is a Midwest based, manufacturer and distributor of critical sanitation products and healthcare personal protective equipment (PPE). Our industry-leading products are manufactured and packaged in the USA. All products and formulations are FDA and CDC compliant.

Products & Services
Our robust supply chain ensures our ability to meet current and growing demands for essential sanitation and healthcare products. All products and packaging materials are sustainably sourced and formulated, reducing shipping costs, packaging costs and waste. Saniflex is rebuilding America’s critical supply chain infrastructure with regional production facilities, allowing its customers to live happy, healthy and productive lives.
What We Offer
Sanitizers & Disinfectants
• Bulk Sanitizer Refills
• Sanitizer Dispensers
• Sanitizer Wipes
• Disinfectant Wipes
• Persistent Kill Sanitation Products (Hand & Surface)